• 【台東住宿】翠安儂風旅(Hotel de Trianon)

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  • 【台東住宿】日安巴黎民宿 (Bonjour Paris BNB)

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  • 【台東成功住宿】三仙台海景民宿 (SanSenDai Sea View Homestay)

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  • 【台東住宿】達利陽光民宿 (Dali Sunny Bed and Breakfast)

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  • 【台東卑南住宿】幸福旅行.舍 (Happy Traveler Inn )

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  • 【台東住宿】大海文旅 (La Dahai Bed and Breakfast)

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  • 【台東池上住宿】玉蟾園民宿 (Yuchanyuan Hotel)

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  • 【嘉義阿里山住宿】掌聲響起 (Applause In The Mountain)

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  • 【台北萬華住宿】背包棧旅店-西門店(Backpackers Hostel Ximen)

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  • 【台東住宿】台東米蟲民宿 (Michong Guest House)

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